Currently serving as a Team Leader of "Linked Tribological Data" group, and an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow at KIT. My current research interests lie at the intersection of linked data engineering, materials science, experimental nanotribology, machine learning, research data management, FAIR data, and Open Science & Reproducibility. Our diverse team of 12 is actively integrating knowledge from multiple scientific avenues in order to develop the most applicable, reliable and sustainable solutions for FAIR data collection within tribology and materials science.

Digitalization in experimental tribology holds promises of accelerated solutions that can save up to 23% of the global energy needs. To achieve this digital transformation, I focus my efforts on, first, bringing together as many active researchers from tribology as possible, and second, integrating the collected knowledge with practices from various branches of computer science. The end goal of all my research is to promote improved tribomaterial design and frictional control by linking our understanding of the molecular origins of friction to more practical macroscale tribological systems.

Would you like to adopt FAIR Data practices within your lab or institution? Drop me a message and let's have a chat!

  • Group Leader of “Linked Tribological Data” → Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, IAM-ZM, 2022–present

    Alexander von Humboldt Fellow → Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, IAM-ZM, 2021–present

    Postdoc → Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IAM-CMS, Germany, 2019–2021

  • Ph.D. mechanical engineering → University of Delaware, Newark DE, USA, 2014–2019

    B.S. (hon.) mechanical engineering and economics → Union College, Schenectady NY, USA, 2010–2014

  • Early Career Award - Postdoctoral Researcher → STLE, Orlando FL, 2022

    MetaCook - the metadata cookbook → Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration, Germany, 2021

    Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship → AvH Foundation, Germany, 2020

    Robert W. Gore Fellowship → University of Delaware, Newark DE, 2018

    Philadelphia STLE Scholarship → STLE Philadelphia, 2018

    Elmer E. Klaus Fellowship → STLE, Minneapolis MN, 2018